Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Virtual Reality Simulations, Real World Training

The Real Virtual Show interviewed ForgeFX Simulations President and Co-Owner, Greg Meyers, for episode 30: Virtual Reality Simulations, Real World Training. With virtual reality’s high level of immersion, the educational possibilities are endless — we’ll discuss the practical side of this mixed reality tech with Greg Meyers, President and Co-Owner of ForgeFX.

We’ll chat about how interactive 3D job-training simulators “transform users from passive audience members to active participants in the training process” as well as how simulations can be part of an effective sales strategy. Contact us on ForgeFX Get updates by liking us on Facebook Get updates on Facebook Get tweets by following us on Twitter Get tweets on Twitter Stay connected by following us on LinkedIn Connect on LinkedIn Watch videos by subscribing to ForgeFX on YouTube Watch on YouTube

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Thanks for visiting ForgeFX Simulations at SVVR

Thank you to everyone who visited ForgeFX at the Silicon Valley Virtual Reality Conference and Expo a couple of weeks ago. We had a great time demonstrating all of the VR-based industrial job training simulators we're developing and talking with all the attendees, speakers and exhibitors about how VR can increase the effectiveness of simulation-based job training.

Virtual Reality-Based Aircraft Deicing Operator Training
Greg Meyers from ForgeFX demonstrates aircraft deicing operator training in virtual reality.
ForgeFX specializes in the development of simulation-based training for industrial equipment operators, and with the release of commercially available VR headsets we've seen a huge increase in demand for VR-enabled training simulators. We are currently in the process of adding VR support for a number of our legacy simulators, like the aircraft deicing simulator we built for Global Ground Support, as well as developing new simulators that are designed specifically for VR.

What People are Saying about SVVR 2016 and ForgeFX Simulations

TechRepublic: 10 AR and VR companies to watch from 2016's SVVR Expo
"The Silicon Valley Virtual Reality conference featured more than 100 VR companies. Here are some of the standouts."

CNETThe Wildest Experiences at Silicon Valley's Virtual Reality Expo
"Ever wanted to learn how to de-ice an airplane and get it ready to fly? ForgeFX creates job training simulations that can make you feel a bit like you're operating the actual machines you'd use." Contact us on ForgeFX Get updates by liking us on Facebook Get updates on Facebook Get tweets by following us on Twitter Get tweets on Twitter Stay connected by following us on LinkedIn Connect on LinkedIn Watch videos by subscribing to ForgeFX on YouTube Watch on YouTube